Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I've Got The Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down In My Heart!

Is it really crappy of me to not be sad when something bad happens to someone that I don’t particularly care for?  Or to just feel kind of “meh” about said bad thing happening?
Some examples:

  • Seeing a kid get their butt beat in a public place for acting like a little a$$hole.

  • A co-worker that isn’t particularly liked (at least by me) getting written up/demoted/fired. 

  • That idiotic toddler on Pet Sematary getting creamed by that semi truck. Because really, did loud, fast moving behemoths of vehicles of some sort not scare you as a kid??  I don’t know about you but if I was running after something and I heard/saw that coming, I’m pretty sure I’d stop way before I got to the street.  He died by natural selection, I say.  Just nature’s little way of weeding out the future morons of the world.

  • Getting information through the grapevine that this totally shallow biotch I went to high school with died.  (In my defense on this one she was a totally out of control super b*tch of mass proportions who really did think that her life was playing out in front of a movie camera.)  In high school she was in general a pretty mean person too.  I kinda, kiiiiinda felt bad when I found out she died via suicide because obviously she was in pain and just exuding it out onto everyone else but c’mon; How many times have you thought to yourself “I wish                         would choke on an opossum bone,” or “Oh Lord please just let my POS ex-husband get tied to his bed and lit on fire by a pack of rogue neighborhood kids, Children of the Corn style?”  Right.  I wasn’t happy to hear about her death but I just kind of shrugged my shoulders at it, where as other people who barely knew her went crazy, setting up little memorials for her on their ever beloved Facebook pages (good God gag me, I frickin hate Facebook).

I know it isn’t right or normal to feel this way about horrible things. And I know I’m totally asking for Karma to boomerang back and smack me in the face (which it has here, recently) but I guess maybe I just can’t help it. I don’t purposely set out to hurt people but sometimes it makes me smile a little when people get what’s coming to them. . . . . .

Oh but you know who NEVER gets what’s coming to them??? That moron driver who almost kills you on the road by missing your bumper as they zoom by at mach 3 and almost side swipes five other people in the process!! I mean, police? Firey car crash?? Something??? I have YET to have THAT instant gratification. Damnit.


  1. That's what I was waiting for. Pure, unadulterated Chrissy. Glad you're back.

    1. Thank you! Even though you threw my real name out here, I forgive you!


  2. Oh hell. I just looked at your profile. You changed your IM....My bad. I hope I didn't let a state secret out. I'll keep the last name a secret. Promise!

  3. Well chica I've learned that bad shit happens everyday. I see people who are hurt go out and hurt other people all the time. I run into news of people passing on the regular (especially people I grew up with here in my hood). Bad choices, good choices, no choices.....shit happens. It kind of just reminds me that you really arent guaranteed another day so you got to live it the best you can with what you got. As for people getting what is coming to them....things always have a way of working themselves out....at least where i live ;)
    Be glad you're still alive chica.....the man comes around.

    210 swanger
