Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013: Letting It Fly

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions.  About 5 years ago, when I still made them, I was only able to keep one and make a life change for the better.  It was tiny but had a big impact on my way of thinking.  It was to take the following words out of my vocabulary, which, as anyone close to me would recognize were said on an almost daily basis: “If _______ had/hadn’t happened, my life would be different in _______ way; If I had done ________, my life would be so different; If I had a time machine I would change ___________.” Once I forced myself to take those phrases out of my vocabulary, my brain actually followed suit, not immediately but quickly enough for me to notice how different I felt about my outlook on life.  For a long while, I was free of regret, free of living in the past and I felt really good about myself and about my future.  Unfortunately with the shitty events that took place in 2012 I’ve found myself starting to regress back to those old sayings and phrases which in turn is infecting my way of thinking.

2013 is here so *DING* it’s time for a brain reset!  Not only is language like THAT being ousted again, but I’ve also decided that I should start letting “it” fly.  I should quit holding back, and quit letting my social filter get in the way of my everyday conversations or interactions with people.  What you see on here, my inner thoughts? Yeah, I don’t allow those to spill out into my everyday life.  In real life, I’m a quiet and polite girl that most people wouldn’t suspect has this level of crazy running through her brain.  I dunno, now that it’s written out in front of me, it doesn’t seem like the wisest thing to do.  It’s really hard for me to go in half way though.  I’m sort of an all or nothing girl, an extremist, hot or cold – never really lukewarm.  So I can see this going south quickly.  Either I’m constantly going to be blurting out thoughts that come to my mind immediately and spilling this crazy out onto the public or I’m going to stay quiet.  It’s so hard to decide. . . . . . .

Good god what GIVES???  I’ve been craving catsup ALL morning.  So frigging weird…….  My other resolution is that I’m trying to get off the sauce again (sodas.)  I haven’t had one for a little more than 24 hours now but I had some coffee this morning and I feel like a crazed Gremlin/Chihuahua monster. 

FYI this is a copyrighted picture belonging to some lady who uploaded it on Flickr.  Here's the LINK. It's her dog, Pinky. What's funny is this dog is almost identical to my dog Bear.  He gets crazed like this but I'm never quick enough with the camera to get a kick ass picture like this.  So way to go on getting an action shot lady, you rock!

Anywho. I’ll have to test the waters on this little social experiment I guess.  It can only go one of two ways.  Either I’ll get shot in the face or I’ll get my own talk show.  Life can be a bit wacky that way!


  1. I don't have a real clear grip on your 2012, but I sure wish you the greatest 2013 possible. AND....knowing what (little or not) I do know about your inner workings, I'd say your proposed "let your freak flag fly" change is for the best. comparing the "reserved" version of you, versus the "real" version is night and're a truly funny, cool and interesting person, who's best served at full force.

    1. Oh, why thank you! And thank you for reading and commenting!!!


  2. Now THIS makes me proud. I love you more than you know...the real, twisted, take-no prisoners version. May only the best happen in 2013 for you. xoxo

  3. well? you're 7 days into it. how is the new Shock-and-awe version of you working out?

    1. Well I'm sick so my brain is fuzzy and not quite as quick as I'd like it to be. While the observations or come backs I think of kick ass to no end, I highly doubt they'd be effective if I blurted them out 5 - 7 minutes after the occurrence. far I've just kept them to myself as I did before and laugh maniacally when I think no one is listening.

